Safe Mode

You published or saved a page in PageBuilder, and now you can't open it for editing again. What to do?

This usually happens after you enter custom code (such as JavaScript or HTML markup that is not well formed) into a module in PageBuilder.

There's an easy way to troubleshoot the problem. You can open the page in Safe Mode, then fix or remove the module that contains the offending code. When you open the page in Safe Mode, the page is opened in PageBuilder for editing as usual, but no HTML, JavaScript, or CSS is rendered. Instead, there's a [SAFEMODE] message and identification of each module in the layout, as shown in the following screenshot.

To enter safe mode when opening a page for editing in PageBuilder:

  1. Try to open the page in PageBuilder in the normal fashion.

  2. When the page fails to open, append &safemode to the end of the URL.
    For example
  3. Check each module, looking especially for any custom HTML or JavaScript. Custom HTML can be inserted into any field that accepts text. JavaScript is more likely to have been placed in an HTML or Text Editor module.

  4. Save or publish the page.

  5. Now try opening the page in PageBuilder in the normal fashion to make sure the page is working.